Is this layout working?

I got things looking cute and cozy on my tiny laptop, but the pages are a little weird on large monitors. Everything I make is totally busted on mobile obviously. I'll learn responsive design when I get there.

In order to test out iframes, I've included an older diary entry that I wrote in my art gallery. Maybe I'll write entries about my life/general thoughts here, and keep stuff relating to my art on that page.

In other news, last night I went with some friends to the theater and saw Suzume no Tojimari. Makoto Shinkai keeps making the same film over and over but it's so visually gorgeous I don't care. The side characters in this one were so lovable (cute kitties), but something I've noticed with his movies is I can never understand why the main character falls in love. It always just happens suddenly and the MC is willing to throw their life away for this person but the chemistry isn't built up well. I'm not against love-at-first-sight stories because sometimes people do fall quickly, just from a funny conversation or a little quirk about their appearance or mannerisms or interests. But if you don't show that, the characters both feel flat, which is what I felt in this case (Souta's buddy had more character than he did lmao). Conversely, it's common in YA romance with female leads or manic pixie stories with male leads that the love interest falls for the bland MC for no reason. I love it when the attraction makes sense both ways.

Anyway, the roadtrip aspect of the movie got me excited, since I'm going on a trip with a friend in less than a month from now! I'm so excited to travel from town to town across a few different countries. I hope we get to meet lots of interesting people.

Reading-wise, I just finished Mark Fisher's Capitalist Realism and I'm undecided on what to start next. I'm interested in checking out George R.R. Martin's non-ASOIAF stuff (like Fevre Dream).