Strange flight

Recently I went on a small trip. I got to see some friends I hadn't seen in a while, and the weather was beautiful the whole time. But our return flight got diverted due to weather and landed in a different region. Trying to get home from there was interesting. There wasn't much in the way of public transit (literally saw more horse-drawn carriages than buses lmao) but we did eventually make our way home. And while we were there we stumbled upon a pretty big farmer's market. I got to try black garlic for the first time and pet a baby cow!

Aside from that, work has been very busy lately, which is good and bad. I'm finding the internet more and more unpalatable lately, especially with regards to recent events. It seems like everything is either a covert advertisement, trying to politically influence you, or trying to be more outrageous than the last person for engagement. I understand why things happen that way but I wish we wouldn't let that stuff dictate our culture anymore. I don't see much point in the big sites now but I still stay on the lookout for smaller more organic communities. But in general I've been spending more time working out, being with my friends and family, and cooking, so it's a net plus for me.

I am also still working on a visual novel :)
It's a very fun and different process for me, I'm learning a lot. I've finished the script and I'm drawing the assets now. I think when I'm done I'll put it on Itch and maybe Steam, but I don't know much about that whole process yet. When I'm a bit further along maybe I'll update my site here and put some info about it. I do want to make more pages here but I'm not sure what I'd like to add. Learning python is fun too! I've been thinking of all these other things I could use it for.

Finally, I've been reading Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martin, and I've also been watching Witch Hunter Robin (which I remember being on TV as a kid but never really paid attention to). So I guess I'm in the Halloween spirit. But I have no idea what to dress as for the Halloween party this year.