2023 Review

It doesn't really feel like the end of the year. Not much happened, although that's not to say I had a bad time.

I give an 8/10.

I'm in the process of becoming more offline and I plan to continue this into 2024. I've complained a lot in this diary about the direction the internet is going and how I'm not enthusiastic to give my time to it. And it kind of feels at this point like I've seen everything there is to see on it, lol. I want to be outside more, exercising, cooking, being a positive fixture in my loved ones' lives, making career moves, watching movies and playing games, etc....

That being said, I still want to finish my VN and release it in 2024 (character art is done, BGs are halfway, just need to do CGs and learn Renpy :D), and I think I'd also like to revamp this site. Maybe I'll add some new pages, but I don't know exactly what. What I love about other personal sites are the glimpses into people's worlds, the diaries, essays, reviews, etc.

Also, I started embroidery this year, and for Christmas my bf got me materials to do sashiko. Maybe I can make something cool?

Unrelated, but I'm playing Sekiro rn. So far, I like it a lot. Love being a zippy ninja jumping and webslinging about. I don't know if I'll like it better than Bloodborne, but definitely more than Elden Ring. I'm also playing Sandrock and after Sekiro I'll start Tales of Arise. I haven't been reading much lately, but I do have a tiny reading list: The Shock Doctrine, Vagabond, and The Food Lab. Lmao!